Late Spring in the Garden

Somehow, it’s already June. It really feels like this year is flying by us. Things are settling down in the garden, work wise. Most of my planting and projects have been wrapped up, and now it’s time to just sit back and watch things grow. I still have some sod to rip up in the front yard, but as the days warm up, my motivation is definitely waning. When I can lounge on the deck eating our fresh strawberries, it’s hard to think about doing much else.

We had a nice, long Memorial Weekend. Our friends came to visit and some “seedy” exchanges took place. The husband split some perennials for our friends to take back to their garden, and I unloaded a few of the prairie blazing star and little blue stem seedlings that I’d grown. We also exchanged a few seeds. I recently nabbed some loofah plant seeds to share, and my friend gave me a few marrowfat bush bean seeds to try out. They are an heirloom variety that became popular in the mid 1800s for their bacon-like flavor. I’m in!

Now that more plants are blooming and summer is basically upon us (aside from this past Saturday, where it stayed in the 40s and 50s all day), we’re seeing more interesting visitors to the yard. I spotted a hummingbird on some of the nepeta plants last week, and the pond seems to be drawing in some dragonflies. A common whitetail dragonfly was zooming around the yard while I was watering the tomatoes a few days ago, hopefully on the prowl for mosquitoes.

Speaking of the pond, I nabbed a new little solar-powered fountain just to make sure the water had a little movement. Hopefully, the sound of running water lures even more birds and critters in, and helps keep the water from becoming a mosquito-making factory. The plants around the water are all doing well so far, and over the weekend, our flag irises started to bloom. They are a gorgeous, deep purple, and really pop against all the green foliage of the other plants in the space.

That’s about all I have for this week. I’ve really been enjoying the late spring flower show in the garden. Our peonies are still blooming and as everything fills around the yard, I’ve had to weed less and less. Looking forward to seeing what blooms next! Happy gardening!

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