
Growing up surrounded by a family of avid gardeners, it was probably inevitable that I would one day join them with a garden of my own. The outdoors is where I really feel alive, and when I’m sitting in the dirt, listening to the bees hum, and watching the sunlight dance on the flowers- that’s where I find peace.

I live in Zone 6a, in Central Ohio, with my husband and three cats. Our home is in a subdivision, on a smallish plot of land. When we moved in, the only landscaping in the weed-filled lawn were three shaggy boxwoods and a flowering plum tree by the front door. I spent our first winter obsessively researching and planning up my dream garden.

My research quickly led me to understand the importance of native planting to help sustain the wildlife that was trying to survive around my home, and it’s since become my passion. It still astounds me how a few simple planting tricks have helped cultivate a yard teaming with more birds, bees, and butterflies, than I’ve ever seen.

Sharing the information I’ve learned, to help others build up their own spaces to support the wildlife in their neighborhoods is very important to me. I hope this blog can become a place where gardeners find the inspiration, courage, and motivation to create their own peaceful havens.