Tag Archives: leaves changing

October in the Garden

Lots of color in the garden, even after the flowers have finished blooming… from goldenrod, to marigolds, to sedum

There’s a group of vultures circling behind the yard… maybe they saw that this weeks post was late, and assumed the worst? Anyway, after a very warm start to October (the first half of the month was the hottest on record in our area, averaging 15 degrees above normal every day), the past few days have been pretty cool and wet. The sun finally peaked out this afternoon for a bit, but the gray clouds look like they will be returning shortly. It feels like it’s already November.

The maples around our neighborhood are finally hitting their peak color for the season, full of flaming oranges and reds. Is there anything as pretty as a sugar maple in its full autumn color? The cottonwoods and a few other trees behind our house are fully bare, and we can see the skyscrapers of Columbus off in the distance again through the treetop branches.

Our dogwood is looking extra gorgeous this year, with fiery red leaves. The blanket flowers are still in bloom, providing a last-minute snack for any bees still lurking.

Things are definitely quieting way down. Most of the flowers and plants in our garden are heading back to sleep. There’s a few blanket flowers, mums, and asters still in bloom, and we haven’t yet had a really hard frost. But, the leaves of the peonies and hostas are starting to turn yellow and grow mushy. Once things dry out, I’ll head outside and hack those all back to their bases. Everything else in the yard (including the leaves) will stay put until the springtime.

So, while the garden starts napping, I have some news to share. A few months ago, I applied to the Master Gardener Volunteer program here in my county. A few hundred people applied. The other week, I interviewed with some current volunteers, and then today, I found out that I made the program! Our county has so many people apply each time, but only 50 are accepted. I didn’t know this when I applied, and I really didn’t expect to make it once I found out.

I love the way everything morphs in October… all the leaves and flowers seem to take on whole new personalities.

I’m really looking forward to the program. Starting in January, I’ll have classes every week through March, and then a boatload of volunteer hours to make it through. I’ll be paired up with a current Master Gardener mentor to help me traverse the program, and then, if all goes well, by the following January, I’ll have graduated the program. I’m excited to learn more, and to meet other people in the community that love plants as much as I do. I’d apologize, in advance, for all the yammering on I’ll be doing about gardening while in the program, but presumably, in you’re reading this, you’re probably on board already.

Well, that’s all the news from the garden this week. Hopefully, if it’s fall in your area, the sun is out, and the leaves are turning colors. As always, I highly recommend a trip to your local metro park at this time of year to enjoy the changing of the seasons. Happy gardening!

The marigolds I grew from seed this spring have really bushed out this month, and I love seeing their cheery orange-red blossoms.

I Think It’s Fall?

Fall sunrises seem extra special, with the light shining on all the colorful leaves.

Anyone else having some odd weather? It’s mid-October, and here in Central Ohio, we’re having near record-breaking temperatures… it’s been close to 90 degrees, which is not at all what I expected when we made it home from our vacation. The weekend started off foggy and humid, but the sun came out quickly, blazing hot, and it’s been warm ever since. The trees have started changing color. Our locust tree has dropped most of her leaves. But, the crisp cool autumn days I live for every year are, well, not here yet.

Before our trip, I cleaned out most of the raised beds, planted cover crops, emptied the deck pots, and moved plants indoors. The water pump in the pond was brought in and de-algae-ified (that’s the technical term). I thought there’d be a frost while we were away, or that it would at least be cool enough out that the fledgling pineapple plants would have some words for me. But, the changing climate is definitely making an impact. It seems like every year here, autumn starts a little bit later.

We went for a hike at the local metro park to catch the foggy morning air over the prairie.

Looking online, our first frost date doesn’t seem to be listed as having changed, but my own notes indicate that the frosts here are happening later each October (I’ve taken notes on the daily temps each day for a few years now, because I am a data-loving weirdo). We’ve been setting record highs quite often over the past few years, and the last frost date in the beginning of springtime, in May, seems to be moving as well (towards the middle of the month).

Notes like these are handy when it comes to planting out tender vegetables like tomatoes in the spring, because a frost will kill them off. I’ve also been taking some notes about rainfall, when it’s happening, and how much. This year, we had a LOT more rain than usual, at times when it normally doesn’t occur. The summer months are usually dryer, but we had quite a few days with flooding rains. My tomatoes caught blight, so next year, I’ll look for some varieties that are less likely to catch this disease. And, I’ll plant them even farther apart so their leaves have a better chance at drying as quickly as possible, keeping the blight spores away.

This is the latest I’ve ever harvested peppers. Our italian sweet peppers seem to have enjoyed the extra steamy days this month.

For now, there’s really not much to do around the yard but wait for the frosts to arrive. Once they do, I’ll cut the hostas back to the ground (their leaves get really slimy after the cold hits), but everything else will stay put until the springtime. I know I’ve written about the benefits of waiting to do the annual clean up until the spring before, but I’ll just quickly recap to say it’s best for the wildlife to leave as much as you can standing. The birds, pollinators, and other insects will thank you, and your yard will be healthier and happier.

Since many of the flowers have finished for the season, my attention has really turned to the trees, both in and around our yard, and out at the park. Autumn is such an art show for trees in my area. I’m so fascinated by their display each year, because things always seem to look a little different. Water and temperature impact the color of the leaves, and of course, there’s always new trees, trees that are no longer growing, and trees that have grown quite a lot to change the landscape. This time of year, I find myself wandering out of my garden quite a bit more than usual for a nice walk in the woods.

Hopefully you are having a wonderful start to October and the fall season (if you’re in the Northern Hemisphere). Happy gardening!

We’ve been having some really gorgeous sun rises, which I’m finally catching since the days are getting shorter and the sun pops up later each day.