Tag Archives: ohio garden

When Things Don’t Go According to Plan

So, I realize that there’s about a five degree temperature range that I consider acceptable for summer weather, but really. Things have gone a bit out of control around these parts. Upper 80s with humidity levels the local meteorologists refer to as “soupy”??? To top that off, it’s been a week of mostly rain showers. May was dryer than average, but Mother Nature seems to be trying to make up for it now. The tomatoes are yellowing from all the excess showers, and while the tropical annuals on the deck seem overjoyed, I’d rather have a nice tomato harvest later this summer, thank you very much.

The echinacea (coneflowers) are just starting to bloom. Loving spying on them in the morning sunshine!

In between storms, I’ve spotted a few new visitors to the yard. We had a pair of mallard ducks scoping things out one morning. The must have a nest nearby, because I hear them squawking at passers-by most days. There was also an adorable little black cat, rolling around in the catmint and batting at the floating fountain in the wildlife pond.

The dragonflies and damselflies have also been out and about, enjoying the flowers and smaller bugs. They seem determined to avoid the pond, (at least, when I’m out trying to find them swimming), but I see them all over the plants each day. I’m surely tempting fate, but I’ve yet to get a single mosquito bite yet this year, and I’m crediting this their presence.

Papa Mallard, taking flight to get away from the weird lady in her pjs taking pictures

Plant-wise, things are kicking into high gear for summer time. The cone flowers, marigolds, blanket flowers, cranesbill, nepeta, heuchera, penstemon, lavender, speedwell, salvia, buttercups, lamb’s ear, and day lilies are all blooming wildly, and the hostas, zinnias, and milkweed should be ready to flower here in the next few days. Normally at this time of year, I’ve had a bit of a slump, flower-wise. The spring flowers are all spent, and the summer plants aren’t yet in bloom. But this year, I think with our hot weather and some more planting, there’s a lot in bloom for all the pollinators and spectators (me and that black cat) to enjoy.

Edible-plant-wise, things are trucking along well. I planted the last of the beans, which have sprouted and are growing huge leaves. The lettuces are about finished for the season, but the herbs are really bushing out. I harvested a bunch of basil and chives to dry this week. The nasturtiums have tripled in size… which reminds me, I need to add a support structure to that pot for them… and the peppers are flowering and growing as well. We should start to see some baby peppers here soon! The pumpkin seeds I planted the other week are taking over their container. I thinned them out again, so the ones that are left will have plenty of room to grow. I also thinned our carrots, fennel, and leeks.

The asiatic lilies are always pretty striking in bloom!

So, for the most part, things are looking well out in the yard. But, that hasn’t always the case. I’m sure we’ve all had some gardening blunders, it’s how one learns, after all. I thought I would share a few of these… mishaps… the scenes that I don’t post on Instagram, and the stories I tend to keep to myself when trying to appear wise in the ways of the garden.

Most of my mistakes in the garden can be boiled down to a lack of impatience, not doing my research ahead of time, and/or trying to fight nature. In the majority of these situations, a simple trip to Google could have saved me a lot of headache. Knowing when to plant what, where things like to live, and how to water them seems pretty basic, after all, it’s advice I often share here. But, I haven’t always heeded these plant edicts. Some things, we just need to learn by doing.

The damselflies have been zooming all over the garden this week

I’ll start with a few situations where not doing my research ahead of time came around to bite me. A few years ago, I was assembling a little pot on the deck. I wanted to add something to the pot that would spill over the edge, and found just the thing, an annual (I thought), called Creeping Jenny. After the season had ended, I dumped the pot of annuals onto one of the empty raised beds, where I figured things would break down over the winter. The Creeping Jenny survived. If anything, the winter weather only seemed to make it stronger. I decided (why, oh why, Past Sara?!?!) to plant up That Which Cannot Be Killed as a ground cover in a few spots in the yard. Turns out, Creeping Jenny is a perennial in our area, and a beast of a perennial, at that. The groundcover spreads like wild, and is, to the best of my ability, impossible to kill. I rip out bunches of the stuff every time I weed the yard, but this stuff lives to take over. It’s even managed to hop the stone border wall, and is now growing in the grass in a few places.

Another time I wish I’d done some simple research ahead of time was last year, when I planted my first garlic. It was late September, and garlic bulbs were all over the garden center. I grabbed a few, excited at the prospect of my first harvest this spring. Last year, we had a particularly hot end to summer and start to fall. Temps stayed scorching hot, but in went my garlic. A few garden friends I’d spoken to mentioned that they hadn’t planted theirs, but I didn’t think the jumpstart would hurt anything. Apparently, it did. None of my garlic, which was still looking perky over the start of winter, made it to springtime.

The bees have been all over the penstemon lately, zooming up into the flowers to collect pollen.

My next garden blunder can be attributed to my lack of patience, especially when it comes to waiting for the last frost date to pass before planting. A few years ago, I was assembling another planter for the deck, and I fell in love with a group of dahlias. It was still April, a few weeks from our last frost date, but the day was warm, so I went ahead and planted up the flowers. Within a week, we had a frost, and the dahlias were… displeased. They didn’t die off completely, but they looked quite sickly all season and I didn’t get to enjoy many flowers. Just waiting a few weeks would have made all the difference. Plants that don’t enjoy the cold will not enjoy the cold even if you’re impatient and stubbornly plant them out too early!

I didn’t quite learn from that mistake and planted out my tomatoes and peppers a bit too early last year. Last Frost Dates are a guide aimed to help gardeners, not something set in place to invoke my oppositional defiance, but I was so sure that things would be ok last year, so in went the veggies. No surprise, we had not just a frost, but a deep freeze, for a few days. I spent hours outside, covering up annuals and veggies with blankets and cursing myself for not just waiting.

There’s so much in bloom! We have coral bells, geraniums, blanketflowers, salvia, penstemon, cilantro, lavender, marigolds, cranesbill, speedwell, ohio spiderwort, and calendula flowering.

The last of my gardening mishaps (that I’m owning up to, anyway!) all have to do with some foolhardy attempts at fighting nature. Traditionally for humans, when we try to best nature, things don’t go terribly well. She’s going to do her own thing, and plans go much more smoothly when we learn to accept that. My first major run in with this philosophy took place about three years ago. I was planting tomatoes for the first time, and I wanted them to live in a particular location in the garden: a corner spot, with full sunshine. These crops love sun, so I figured that I had this one in the bag. I went to dig the holes for my plants, and I can still imagine the smile I must had had on my face, imagining the late-summer BLT’s.

As my shovel made impact with the ground, it was stopped, rather bluntly, by what felt like concrete. I had the husband come out for the hole-digging assist, not realizing that that corner of the yard was made up of straight clay soil. I don’t know if you’ve experienced gardening with clay, but it’s not ideal. Clay basically turns into an impenetrable fortress when it’s dry, which for our climate, is most of the summer. It’s tough, and many plants don’t enjoy living in it. I knew this, but I stubbornly forged ahead. I was so heavily relying on my knowledge that tomatoes liked sunshine, that I decided to ignore their watering needs, and the fact that their roots would not enjoy the clay at all. True to form, the tomatoes were extremely unhappy. They didn’t grow well, and I had no tomato harvest that year. I’ve since learned my lesson and am now using raised beds, where I can amend the soil content.

The best-dressed bug in the garden is definitely the candy-striped leaf hopper.

Another time I tried fighting nature, to no avail, involved the same spot in that garden. A few years ago, we lost our beloved cat, Miss Pickles. I wanted to plant a tree in her memory, and so I picked out a little dogwood. I managed to get it into that corner spot, in the awful clay. I knew dogwoods only liked some sun, but that spot really is in full sunlight most of the day. In went the tree, anyway. It seemed like a nice location, visually, for a tree, so I figured things would work themselves out. (I know, I’m rolling my eyes at Past Me, too). The tree stayed there for about two years, before I finally had mercy and moved the thing into a shadier location, with loamier soil. It lives by the compost bin and finally flowers every spring. It’s grown a lot, and is so much happier in its new space. I’ve since added a slew of native prairie plants to that sunny corner which the tomatoes and the dogwood hated, since they grow just fine in clay soil.

We all make mistakes when planting, and sometimes, plans go awry. But, hopefully, like me, you’ve learned what works and doesn’t in your garden, and why. (Even if it took a few rounds of discovery). With just a bit of research and planning ahead of time, you’ll save yourself time, money, and effort. And isn’t it worth it, for a happy garden? Hope you have a great week!

A recent garden acquisition: coral honeysuckle, a native climber and hummingbird magnet

Cat TV: Not Just for Cats

I used to be afraid of birds. Honestly, when I was a kid, I was afraid of most things, but birds were definitely on the list, towards the top. I’m not even sure why, now that I’m thinking about it. Maybe I watched Hitchcock at too early an age? There was also the time I was totally attacked by a maniacal flamingo at SeaWorld… I was minding my own business, relaxing on a park bench, when the fiend reached through the fence and bit me on the arm.

I’m still mostly convinced that flamingos are pink, devious monsters (admittedly, with great balance), but my wariness of birds as a whole has morphed into an interest.

When we moved to our house, I set up a few feeders just outside the windows in our living room so the cats could watch the birds. We have quite a bit of land on the other side of our property, filled with trees and a shallow creek. There’s always oodles of birds around, from big Coopers Hawks to small, non-descript brown birds that hop and chirp and make a mess at the bird feeders. I really didn’t expect to get such enjoyment watching them all.

When the pandemic hit, I started working from home, and being home all day has given me a new look into the aviary that is the back yard. I’ve enjoyed watching the seasons change, and with them, different birdy wildlife.

This winter, we’ve seen a lot of the usual suspects. There’s been hawks, blue jays, cardinals, nuthatches, junkos, doves, wrens, sparrows, warblers, robins, red-winged black birds, woodpeckers, finches, starlings, and my favorite, the grackles. I spoke about the flocks of grackles in a past post, but they are completely ridiculous and I love them. We have common grackles here, with large black feathers, and iridescent indigo blue heads. They travel in large packs, yelling about everything under the sun, and making even more noise when they startle, flapping away all at once, in a whoosh of wings. Flocks of them descend down onto the feeders, where they devour everything in sight.

This past month has been extremely snowy, and watching the grackles hop around like little kangaroos from snowdrift to snowdrift on the deck has taken up more of my time than I probably ought to admit.

While watching the birds in our yard has become an amusing pastime, I know that bird populations are drastically shrinking. In North America alone, we’ve lost more than 1 in 4 birds in the past 50 years. There are many reasons why this decline is happening, but the largest (in most areas) is due to habitat loss, from development, agriculture, and forestry practices.

While working to combat this takes large-scale conservation advocacy, there’s plenty we each can do to help out birds in our own gardens, regardless of their size. The Audubon Society has some great articles and resources for ways to help make your space more bird-friendly.

Even if, like me, your yard is packed with snow right now, there’s ways to provide for birds year-round, and to attract even more to your space.

The #1 way to attract more birds to your yard is to grow native plants and trees. Sorry if I’m starting to sound like a broken record, but seriously, as many native species as you can pop into the ground or planters on a porch will pay you back better than GameStop stocks for that one week or so last month. Native species are already adapted for your local climate and will require very little watering and maintenance. They attract more pollinators and bugs, which will lure in more hungry birds. Each year, I see more and more and more wildlife appearing in our yard, and I know it’s because I’ve added so many native plants.

In the fall, after these native perennials have finished blooming, leave the dead stalks and flowerheads. Bugs will overwinter in them, and birds will go wild enjoying the seeds from the spent flowers. Birds use the plant material when they begin building nests in the spring. Plus, the spent flowers and plants just look pretty in the winter. They add a nice backdrop to the yard and help to give birds more hidey holes when larger species swoop in and start making a ruckus (aka, grackles).

In addition to feeders, which I keep stocked year-round, it’s important to have a water source for birds. They need clean water to drink, and bathe in, year round. I don’t have a heated bird bath at this point since the creek is so close by, but I do put up a few little bird baths and bug watering holes in the warmer months.

Finally, again, I’m going to recommend going organic with your pest-control, and stopping the spraying of pesticides. Most sprays are so indiscriminate, that even if you’re just trying to eradicate, say, the Japanese beetles that won’t leave your roses alone, the chemicals are also going to take out the lady bugs and other critters that are doing a lot of good in your garden. And, when these bugs die off, there’s less for birds to eat and feed to their young.

So, in these last few weeks of winter (if you’re having winter), consider setting out some nuts and seeds for the birds. Or, think about planting a native berry bush or some something with nectar that the wildlife will enjoy this spring. Head to your local park for a nice walk in the woods, and take note of the trees you like, that you could add to your own landscape. Build a birdhouse to attach to the fence. And then, sit back with your cats, and quietly enjoy watching all the birds in your garden as they hop about and chat at your feeders.

Happy Gardening!

Springtime Plans

It’s been snowing off and on here in Central Ohio for days. The snow isn’t sticking to the ground, but everything feels cold and damp, and we’ve all forgotten what the sun actually looks like. It’s definitely a good day to be indoors.

I spent some time on the floor today, covered in gardening books, colored pens, and my trusty notepad, looking ahead to springtime. In addition to the usual garden clean up I have in mind (like splitting up the lamb’s ear plants before they take over the entire yard), I want to tackle a few new landscaping projects.

I have three larger projects in mind for the spring: building two more raised beds for vegetables, turning one of the side yards into a wildflower bed, and fixing up the hellstrip out front by the road.

Project One: Raised Beds
Right now in the back yard, we have two raised beds for vegetables, in addition to a merry band of pots scattered around the deck, where I keep the herbs for easy access. The beds are (maybe?) three feet across, and six feet long. We have a crop of asparagus living in one, so there isn’t much room in that bed for anything else, and the other bed was built last year out of some leftover plywood I found in the garage.

The beds live a little bit away from one another, but both spend the summer in full sun. I’d like to build two more this year (and by “I’d like to build,” I mean, “I’d like my husband to build”) so I’ll have more space for the massive number of seeds I plan to grow. My family makes salsa each year, and I simply cannot keep losing the battle for who grows the best tomatoes.

So, this is the first thing I’d like to tackle. It will be a cheap project, and shouldn’t take much more than a few hours to complete.

Project Two: Wildflower Bed
After the raised beds, I plan to combine my hatred for mowing the lawn with my desire to help out the local pollinator population by turning the barren wasteland on the side of our house into a wildflower bed. The space is aesthetically abhorrent right now, and I’ve decided this is the year I’m finally going to do something about it.

In March, I plan to place some cardboard down over the grass to kill it. Then, I’ll turn the soil, maybe add some dirt to level things off a bit, and finally, in will go the wildflower seeds mix that I picked up this fall from the Ohio Prairie Nursery (I cannot recommend OPN enough for Midwest gardeners looking for native seeds and plants). I’ll edge the bed with some stone, add water, and wait for my mini prairie to start growing. Many native plant seeds here in Ohio require a cold period before they will wake up and start growing at all, so I hope to get the seed down well before our last frost date (which is usually in mid-May).

Project Three: Hellstrip Bed
I recently heard it described that the hellstrip (the patch of grass found between the sidewalk and the street in many a US yard) is called what it is because “no one knows what the hell to do with it.” Sometimes people will plant trees here, but other than that and the occasional mailbox, the area seems to just be patchy grass with not a lot going on, either for the local wildlife, or for anyone else.

We have two of these spaces, on either side of our driveway. I’ve been thinking about the best way to utilize the area for awhile now. This is the plan I’ve come up with (though it may change a few hundred times between now and April):

On the one side of the driveway, for now, I’ll keep things simple. I want to put in a sugar maple tree. It’s native to Ohio, not too messy (since it will be right next to the street), and absolutely gorgeous in the fall, with fiery orange and red leaves.

The other side of the driveway will be a pollinator bed. The area gets lots of sun, and the soil there is pretty dry, so I chose plants that I knew would thrive in those conditions. I wanted plenty of native plants and flowers to make sure the wildlife in my area would be able to utilize them. I also wanted a pretty simple color scheme: greens and purples, with plants in bloom from early spring, through the end of fall. Finally, I wanted all of the plants to be perennials (which come back every year in the springtime), that require little to no maintenance. Here’s the list, with a bit of detail about each plant:

Meadowsage: Meadowsage is a great, deer-resistant butterfly magnet, with spikes of purple flowers that bloom from early summer to late fall.

Lamb’s Ear: My parents gave me some lamb’s ear from their garden a few years ago. It grows like mad, with silvery-green leaves and pretty purple flowers each summer. The bees love it, and I plan to move some from the backyard to the front to save on plant costs.

Prairie Blazing Star: Prairie Blazing Star is one of my favorite native flowers. The bees and butterflies are all over it when it flowers, in late summer, and the purple stalks of flowers bloom through the fall. This is a great flower to plant if you have clay soil.

Little Bluestem: Gardens just look good with grasses, and this Ohio native is high on my list of loves. It thrives in dry conditions, with silvery blue shoots of grass that get up to about 3 feet high. In fall, the grass turns a deep red.

Walker’s Low Nepeta: Though not an Ohio native, I can’t imagine having a garden without nepeta. It’s just the perfect plant. Nepeta (catmint) is super easy to grow. It’s hardy, loves the sun, and is resistant to most diseases and deer. The plant is covered in small purple blooms all summer and fall, and is a favorite for the bees in our yard. It smells amazing, looks whimsical, and has been known to attract the neighborhood cats (last summer, I accidentally summoned the local feline gang- they would take turns rolling around on the nepeta before staggering off, high as little kitty kites).

Irises: I am not sure what breed of irises that I have, but I plan to split some from the backyard to move out front. My irises came from my parents, who originally acquired theirs from my grandma’s family farm in Northeast Iowa. Each spring, they bloom with absolutely stunning pale purple flowers. It makes me think of my grandma every time I see them, and the shape of the flowers and silvery green-blue leaves adds some height and will match up with the bluestem perfectly.

Prairie Dropseed: Prairie Drop Seed is a compact little native Ohio grass. It doesn’t get very tall, and the grass blades are fine. Dropseed looks a bit feathery, like hair, with a bright green color that fade to gold in the fall. I thought it would be a nice texture against all the flowers.

Creeping Thyme: There are oodles of types of thyme around, but for a good ground cover in a sunny, warm spot, I love creeping thyme. It spreads nicely, attracts bees with its minty smell, and has really pretty purple-pink flowers in the summertime.

While this is not my favorite time of year, I do like being able to take a step back, and plan for what’s to come. Researching new plants, and thinking up ideas for the springtime feels hopeful to me, like planting seeds. It’s a good reminder that soon, the sun will be out again, and I’ll be back in the garden, digging around and watching things grow. Happy gardening!